Cordelia L. (Hornaday) and Walter M. Knott on their wedding day June 3, 1911.
It took Walter over five years of persistence to get Cordelia to agree to marry him. For Walter it was pretty much love at first sight, when he and Cordelia were enrolled in the same typing class in high school. Walter left high school after his sophomore year and went to California’s Imperial Valley to work and perfect his farming skills. All the while they stayed in touch with each other by writing letters back and forth. After two years Walter returned to Pomona with $500, a new confidence and assurance. He started to pursue his courtship of “Cordy”, as he would call her, more seriously. Walter would rent a horse and buggy, for a $1.50 a day, so they could take rides through the countryside. He would bring her a box of candy and they going would go to concerts in the park. All this time Walter would ask, “Cordy, when are you to marry me?” Cordy would always answer the same way with, “Oh, no, I’m too little”, her way of saying she was too young. Until, one day she finally said “Yes!” And the rest as they say is history. Walter and Cordelia Knott were married for over 60 years.